Hello! My name is Lujing. I currently work as a software engineer at Plaid. I am interested in distributed systems, programming languages, robotics, and reinforcement learning.


Software Engineer at Plaid
August 2021 - Present


Learned Encodings in SageDB. Lujing Cen. Master’s thesis. Received the Charles & Jennifer Johnson Artificial Intelligence and Decision-Making MEng Thesis Award. (pdf)

LEA: A Learned Encoding Advisor for Column Stores. Lujing Cen, Andreas Kipf, Ryan Marcus, Tim Kraska. Appeared in aiDM @ SIGMOD 2021. (pdf)

Learned Garbage Collection. Lujing Cen, Ryan Marcus, Hongzi Mao, Justin Gottschlich, Mohammad Alizadeh, Tim Kraska. Appeared in MAPL @ PLDI 2020. (pdf)

Block Affordances for GraphQL In App Inventor. Lujing Cen, Evan Patton. Appeared in CTE 2019 by CoolThink@JC. (pdf)

Provable Fairness. Lujing Cen, Gloria Fang, Andrea Jaba. Final project for 6.857: Computer and Network Security (Spring 2019). (pdf)


Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MEng, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2020 - 2021

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
BS, Computer Science and Computer Engineering
2016 - 2020